To date, many market players of private medical services offer medical examination procedures. However, there are few who comply with health standards of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. There are companies that issue certificates only with no examinations held. These days, this is far cheaper for the entity but it may cause greater losses in the future. Outbreaks of infectious diseases within the entity and spread of disease outside; loss of goodwill, if the fact above becomes known to public; occupational injury; legal claims in case of personnel disability in view of occupational diseases and this list of risks is not exhausted where factual health examinations are neglected in favor of formal papers.
The "Eco-Safety" Group is a key market player in terms of preventive examinations. Our specialists are able to hold health examinations of any complexity and volume, whether in one of our health centers or during the field visit.
The following tasks are addressed in this respect:
Determination of a person’s eligibility to occupational work,
Early disease diagnostics that is favorable for the employee to administer timely treatment and resume the activity,
Early identification of occupational diseases for the employer to avoid disability payments in the future,
The opportunity to avoid outbreaks of infectious diseases, HIV and STDs causing lost time due to temporary disability and reputation loss, among others.
Comprehensive health examination at the specified site with no certificates and X-ray fluorography made in polyclinics accepted! You may file all the required documents with us.
Our affiliates have the capacity to serve 700 visits a day. Electronic queue system.
Complete set of medical equipment as required. Each affiliate is equipped with an X-ray room.
All affiliates are located close to metro stations. Addresses: Vladimirskaya Metro Station, Zvezdnaya Metro Station, Ladozhskaya Metro Station.
Centralized information interface between us and our corporate clients offering any entity representative to remotely register a person for health examination at his/her computer and monitor the status of examination in real time.
We keep and adjust lists and cohorts of persons subject to preliminary and periodic health examinations free of charge.
We offer two field health examinations at entities; we employ two mobile digital X-ray units.
The Eco-Safety Group of Companies is the leader on the market of periodic health examinations in St. Petersburg. In 2016, we arranged health examinations at 650 entities; 166 thousand people were examined.
Customer companies are offered a personnel manager to follow the contract.
The cost of health examinations depends on the following:
Examination site, volume of examinations required depending on the totality of harmful and hazardous factors, and season.
Sign your contracts during low season (January–February and August).
We offer considerable discounts for companies executing service agreements on bank wire transfer payments terms!